It stretches from between Sălaj Street (westernmost point), Progresului Street in the northwest, the border between the 5th and 4th sectors in the southwest, Prelungirea Ferentari in the east and the Bucharest city limits in the south. It is bordered by the neighbourhoods of Rahova, Pieptănări, and Giurgiului.
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Hi, fazedure. I like a lot your photos of Ferentari! It looks almost exactly like the "2 Moldoveni" quarter in Calarasi, where I stayed this summer with some Roma friends. When I read on Wikipedia, how dangerous Ferentari is, and after having experienced the friendliness and the hospitality of the people in Calarasi, I notice a big discrepance between how Roma people are judged in public and how they really are.
best regards
The article about Ferentari is a real great error written, unfortunatelly, by someone who definitelly has never visited that area. The first correction to be made is that the value of 80% being gipsies is not true, they are far less. It's so easy to talk when you have no knowledge or, worst, you have wrong intentions. The majority of the gipsy population leaves in those 20 buildings you saw in the pictures attached but the rest of the neighbourhood is clean. (By the way, those buildings are in an area called "Vadu Nou" developed by the communists by building those blocks of flats) A part of the populations is poor but quite honest. Ferentari was the first industrial district of Bucharest and when communists came the entire area suffered a collapse as the german, hungarian and jewish population left for other countries. If we have to compare to other parts of Bucharest, Ferentari is much better than Coolentina, Giuleşti and Pantelimon. More, Ferentari is very close to the city center (2.5 to 5 km away). However, in the next years a high development of the area is expected. It is considered that Ferentari is going to be the next boom of the real estate affairs.
Seeing that makes me realize how much need there is in the world. I've been reading a lot online about how the Rom people are mistreated, unable to work, forcibly sterilized (women), shut out of schools, and denied the right to live well.
I've never been to Romania but I've studied lots about it. I love Europe overall. I cannot believe the photos...filth, rot, trash, disrepair. What about health care? What about the conditions these people are forced to live in because no one will help them? What about the children? If Ferentari is indeed "much better" than those other neighborhoods, I would hate to see what they look like. It is deplorable. Some people have too much in this world while others have nothing at all. Worse, the ones who have it look the other way as the poor suffer.
Thanks for the pictures. I will see how I can help fix the situation, in some small way.
Let us make one thing clear. There is one difference between having read and having lived there. I have lived In Ferentari all my life, and as a young woman had many problems, including a tentative of gang rape, a burgelar, and I was beaten up pretty badly (nose broken into pieces). Also, I have worked with Roman children - even addopted one - so I do speak from experience. The Roma are beyond control (not saying that there aren't some who are ok). The vast majority do not want to work or learn because , let's face it, its difficult. It's much easier to steal, especially since the Romanian inhabitants ae afraid of them and they dont fight back.
I suggest anybody concerned about Romas' life to come and experience it fitsr hand. That neighbourhood is filled with garbage for a reason, cause the cleaning service works the same in the entire city. Food for thought...
The pictures depict the most extreme aspects of Bucharest and Ferentari is only a small piece of the puzzle. The readers could have the whole picture of Bucharest on Google Earth for example. If they focus on Ferentari they won't see the forest for the trees. Bucharest was named the Little Paris for some good reasons.
If one compares the best parts of Ferentari with the worst of Colentina, the observation of the reader may be true. But it is not relevant. It dosn't make Ferentari a better place as it doesn't make Colentina a worse place either.
In Rio for example the favelas are far worse than Ferentari and they are a very big portion of the city.
When it comes to crime, if one compares it to the rest of Bucharest it is relatively high. However Bucharest has a very low crime rate compared to New York for example. The woman with the bad experience would say the same thing about any place in the worold if she had a similar experience. But generalizing is something that people with very limited experience tend to do.
One has to put things into perspective to have a better understanding of Bucharest.
I hope people don't judge Romanians from these pictures...Actually I hope people don't mistake Romanians for Rromi(they usually do that)...I wouldn't stay in Ferentari even if u payed me...I've heard many things about it,never dared to go there...Anyway,about the Rromi people,don't think about them as unhelped,lonely,discriminated people...I got my cellphone stolen by one,got beaten up by 6 of them for not listening to their music,my mother had her golden necklace stolen by a rromi,my grandmother had her purse stolen by a rromi,and my grandfather almost go killed by one,so with all my respect for human kind,I fucking hate them...there is a reason you end up living in Ferentari,and it's not bcuz you're rich or smart...I'd love to chat with someone from another country about this e-mail me ^_^...cheers
Pozele astea arat numai o parte din ferentari...toti judecati ferentariul din auzite...iar ce e in pozele astea este din cauza populatiei care nu e civilizata...aici unde sunt pozele facute tigani arunca gunoiul pe fereastra de la etaj...
intimplator m-am nascut pe strada Nae Popa nr. 28, in anul 'de gratie' 19...56!! Clasa a I-a si ½ dintr-a doua, le-am facut la Sc. gen. 27, cum se numea in acei ani, undeva pe strada Bachus. Ulterior scoala s-ar mai fi numit si liceul G. Calinescu, 148, etc. Am plecat din cartier in februarie 1965, suficient timp insa sa-mi amintesc copilaria din zona, cum spre exemplu era cizmarul din capul strazii (spre fostul cinema), care tinea sticleti in colivie. Voi reveni cu amintiri pitoresti, cit de curind...
well, i can tell you that the pictures are not far from reality. I lived in ferentary 17 years and i am familiar with the dust, garbige, loud music,and so on But what cannot be seen in photos is the atmosphere of the place. I know that for a rich person( and when i say rich i think about the people who live in a clean country with healt care and education for all its citizens)it will be hard to imagine Ferentary as a possibility to live in. But when you don t have a choice you live in where you have place and you thank God that you have a roof above your head. Because it s a poor place, that doesn t meand that only uneducated people are living there. in a country like romania, usually the people who are educated don t have money, so you can find them in ferentary and rarely in big mansions.
Ma numesc Cornell Zet. Am crescut la 65 Strada Humulesti, colt cu Strada Pitpalacului. Este trist ce se spune si pozele care se pun aici, ceea ce nu reprezinta realitatea. Este un loc mai dur dar eu nu am amintiri atat de urate asupra Ferentariului. Imi amintesc colindand strazile zilnic pana in Zetari, pe Strada Trompetului si in Pangarati,, jucand Fotbal, peretel, tenis de picior; potan pe fise si cutii de chibrite si "magarusul" printre altele. Timpul de care vorbesc este intre 1972 si 1985. Eu sunt nascut in 1968 ca punct de reper asa...
Am plecat din tara la varsta de 16 ani relocandu-ma in State in 1985. Am incercat in ultimii cativa ani sa localizez fostii colegi de scoala (scoala de pe Salaj la capul autobuzului 117) dar nu am avut nici un success. Daca cineva stie unde si cum as putes sa caut, va rog sa i-mi scrieti la emailul meu:
Cateva nume care rasar din memorie de prieteni si colegi:
Dragos Viorel (aka Doza); Daniel Petrescu (aka Beleaga); Catana Ion (aka Cotoi); Dumitru Cristina (din Zetari aka Poufi); Ungureanu Viorel; Mihai Margineanu; Chirila Liliana; Mihaela Motoianu; Stefan Cristian;
Pe proful de Romana il poreclasem "Mocsul" si am avut un profesor de matematica cam tiganus asa si sotia lui era tot profesoara la aceiasi scoala. Cu Petrescu Daniel si Dragos Viorel am practical impreuna Handbal, Fotbal (la ICAR) si Unirea Tricolor, lupte greco-romane si libere, Judo si box.
Daca aveti vreo informatie, va multumesc cu anticipatie pentru orice orientare!!!
"Este trist ce se spune si pozele care se pun aici, ceea ce nu reprezinta realitatea."
Nu mai spune!Cind ai fost ultima oara prin Ferentari,pe unde si cit timp ai stat p'acolo?
Du-te si acum! Apoi,vorbim...daca voi mai avea cu cine....
Nu mai e ce era odata.Sunteti rupti de realitate dragilor...
it's true this is a bad area of Bucharest, but these pictures are really old!
Those Ferentari photos are very old and no longer reflect the actual overall situation! As a general comment, I've been looking, over the last 10 years, at many Internet photos about Bucharest and Romania and, quite strangely, the "findings" were mostly negative ... for somebody who doesn’t know (or doesn’t want to know…) anything about Romania, it may easily appear that this is one of the worst countries world-wide ... am really wondering and still asking myself a very rhetoric question: "Why almost no one uploading Romania's photos in Internet doesn't post there images of the newest buildings in Romania, images of the multitude of outstanding Malls build recently in Romania, images of the lovely cities and settlements of Transilvania, images of the wonderful and, sometimes, even breathtaking nature and mountain scenery existing in Romania and so on...". I’ve seen many countries and cities in my life and can assure everyone that all of them had, and still have, both good and bad points to bring up…and this is not a reason to treat a country and a nation as dirt or scum… It's so easy and pleasant for some people to advertise only the negative aspects and the dark side!!! ... but, talking about Romania, probably the personal interests of such people are quite significant, so spitting on everything prevails...In a single word, such attitude of certain people is nothing but a "disgrace"!!! I also fucking hate Gypsies and hate when certain “civilized” nations and countries treat all Romanians as such!!!...
ce pot spune de ferentari ca am copilarit, pai da acolo am invatat ce inseamna sa te descurci de mic printre jiene,si in afara de asta in acel cartier muti jmechieri din bucuresti (romania) sau ridicat,si siau facut nume si banii cu sacul,dar este si lume amarata la care unii din jmechieri astia tr sa faca in asa fel ca, cartierul asta din buc, tr sa fie cel mai frumos si la nimeni sa le lipseasca nimika, dar in fine lasa_ai ajute dumnezeu pe toti,eu sunt Ramon din FERENTARI.
Si eu am copilarit in Ferentari pe Aleea Imasului. Am amintiri foarte frumoase pentru ca cartierul si strada noastra erau pline de copii si tot timpul aveai cu cine te juca. Mai ales in vacanta de vara, de dimineata pina seara eram afara si ne jucam. Am fost la scoala 147 de la capatul lui 117. Ce amintiri frumoase am din aceea perioada. In anii copilariei mele (1974-1984) in cartier nu era asa de rau. Dar, incetul cu incetul oamenii de treaba s-au mutat si in locul lor, de cele mai multe ori, veneau tigani. Unde locuiam eu nu prea erau, dar daca mergeam putin mai mult dadeam de niste blocuri pline de tigani. Ti-era frica sa te duci pe-acolo. Si era si multa mizerie. Am patit multe din partea tiganilor dar nu m-apuc acum sa insir. E o vorba tiganul tot tigan ramine, si asa e. Daca n-ar fi fost tiganii n-ar fi fost asa rau. In afara de tigani, cartierul nu era rau. Si la scoala, toti se fereau de tigani. La nimeni nu le placea de ei. Si eu am avut citiva tigani in clasa pe care toti ii priveam ca pe niste aliens. Dar erau si multi oameni de treaba in cartier, care de multe ori aveau probleme din parte tiganilor. Dar cu toate astea, am amintiri de neuitat din copilaria petrecuta in Ferentari, cu prietenii de pe strada si de la scoala. N-am mai fost acolo de 20 de ani, dar sper ca intr-o zi voi putea vizita locurile unde mi-am petrecut copilaria.
sunt din ferentari si nu sunt tiganca blocurile din ferentari nu sunt facute de tigani este asa cum este doar din vinaa primarului pt ca nu si adat iıteresul sa faca ceva bun pt tara noastra asta nu este vina tiganilorrr sau romnilor doar mafia care ne mancam ın tre noiii
si diferenta ın tre al romilorrrrrrrr si romni
un roman poate trai pa langa tigan dar tiganul pt romni nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ma numesc iuliana si locuiesc pe str trompetului
ma numesc iuliana si locuiesc zona ferntexax adica ferentari
sunt nascuta crescuta pe str trompetului nr 24 stau la curte dar acuma stau frati mei si parinti mei eu sunt ın turcia de vro 4 ani si sa va spun ca turcia este o tara minunata de frumoasa ?
dar si zone care ımi aduc aminte de ferentari am fost si ın austria ? wiena si acolo ımi ?
aduceam aminte de zona ferentari ?
ın toate tarile unde tea duce ezista o zona la fel ca ferentexax?
si italia espania dar ce sa mai zic este vina primarului si lui traian basescu suntem europeni acuma sa faca ceva pt tara asta adica romania mai ales zona ferentari sa puna tomberoane la fiecare scara de bloc sa nu mai se sarunce dela estaji gunoiul si sl fiecare bloc cato femeie de servici ?sa faca curetenia ?si la fie care locatar cato chie dela usa scari ?
daca are use daca n8u sa puna primarul evangel ca la votat multi tigani si a ajuns primar
am 24 de anii si am sa vin doar ın vizita ın tara mea pt ca mam casatorit ın turcia cu un mulsuman
no sa uit tara mea pt nimica ın lumeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee te iub romınia
@Iuliana please put one bullet in your head,and tell again the story!
i love ferentari.never been there, though
singura solutie acceptabila ar fi gazarea tuturor tiganilor, dupa care garantez ca in 15-20 de ani valoarea unui imobil in Ferentari se va dubla si zona va deveni frumoasa si locuibila
You are ALL welcome in Australia anytime!
P.S. Do you know any NICE english words? I can teach you!
Am. locuit in str Patuleni cu ani in urma. Ceea ce am vszut acum m-a socat! Era mai putin civilizat si atunci dar acum este de-a dreptul ghetou!!! Far sa fiu rasista, ci doar sincera, tiganilor nu le place munca si nici curatenia! Asta le este natura,cultura si putini dintre ei reusesc sa se integreze in lumea civilizata. Traiesc in strainatate acum si-i vad pe si aici mancind seminte pe strada si sint vestiti pentru furturi. si inselaciuni! Asta stiu cel mai bine sa faca si probabil nu le mai ramane timp de facut curat, pentru ca daca ar aduna cite o punga de gunoi toti tiganii din Ferentari,in doua zile l-ar face luna!!!!!!
Omul gospodar se vede indiferent ca e tigan sau roman. Sau alta nationalitate.
Sa fii sarac e greu. Dar sa fii sarac si imputit nu e scuzabil. Gunoiul ala in care traiesc si miile de PET-uri aruncate aiurea, tot ale lor sunt. Asa le place, sa stea in mizerie.
Am vazut o groaza de oameni saraci - in general oameni in varsta, la tara, ramasi fara ajutor si cu pensii de mizerie, dar care chiar si schiopatand isi maturau curtea ca le era rusine sa stea in mizerie si praf.
Rusine celor care isi arunca gunoiul pe geam si apoi asteapta sa faca altii curat, ca deh, de aia au primar!
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